22 March, 2010

Comfort room

Over dinner recently, one of my friends who returned from a business trip in the Philippines commented to me that there were "comfort rooms" in the Pinoy land.
When he said it, he had a weird smile that made me think that the "comfort room" was some sleazy massage parlor with "extra services".

After all, my own knowledge of the word "comfort" was that it sometimes had hidden, raunchy meanings attached to it when it is collocated with another noun that follows it adjectival role.
In the Singaporean context at least, the term "comfort women" is widely known to be an euphemism for a much darker meaning given the country's position as a colony during the Japanese occupation during WW2. The many women were made to provide "comfort" at the behest of tyrannical Japanese warlords.

My initial thought on "comfort" notwithstanding, I pressed on and queried my friend on the meaning of "comfort room". His reply threw me off course from the initial private thoughts that I had made mental associations with.

Friend: "Comfort Room is what they call a Toilet in the Philippines, man."

As I scribbled down that insight, I made a note to myself to research into this curious term. As it turns out, none of the dictionaries I searched had this sense. Google however, did provide plentiful similar finds.

It was more prominent from a Google.com search:

But less so for a Google.com.sg search:

This word was unlikely to be used in Singapore to refer to the toilet, as it is in the Philippines.
Most references to "comfort room" were to the notion of "comfortable rooms" in hotels instead, as shown by the first few results and pictures.

Trying to find the concept in Pinoy webpages was a rather trying task as most of the writer wrote in Tagalog. The is however, one worthy blog given his exclusive rantings about the comfort room in the Philippines.

In the past, my parents used to teach me to say:

"excuse me, I'd like to go to the washroom/restroom/gents"

I grew up thinking that toilet was too blatant and even crude.
Now perhaps "Comfort Room" holds quite a similar meaning for the Filipinos. No Sleazy thoughts!

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