29 March, 2010

Ballistic Nosh

Get a load of this hilarious Chinglish photos:

Seriously, this is so hilarious!

Keyword: "Explode/s"

(From the New American Oxford Dictionary)

verb [ intrans. ]
burst or shatter violently and noisily as a result of rapid combustion, decomposition, excessive internal pressure, or other process, typically scattering fragments widely : a large bomb exploded in a park.
• [ trans. ] cause (a bomb) to do this
• (of a person) suddenly give expression to violent and uncontainable emotion, esp. anger
• (of a violent emotion or a situation) arise or develop suddenly
• ( explode into) suddenly begin to move or start a new activity

I'm just wondering what bilingual dictionaries or translators did the restaurant operators use.
Seriously. A case of lost. in. translation.

A note to self: When translating into Chinese, always seek expert advice or check context of logographic words. Don't cause others to explode into mockery. ;)

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