30 March, 2010

Erection Problem

Being bored, and wanting to amuse myself, I surfed around and found this picture on Engrish.com :

Talk about the science of signs! Semiotics. WOOHOO!

Once again, the Chinese have done it. The world would really be such a dull place without Chinglish or Engrish don't you think?

So, when you try to sound bombastic without checking your sources, you end up having this farcical blunder.


I think the smarty-pants sign guys had really meant this instead, for their construction site:
Erections and Constructions, WHOAAA.

That's a world of difference we're talking about, unless of course you're talking about procreation being a corollary of the erection process. (ahem)

Seriously, this is just a case of not knowing what word collocates with what other words.
There's nothing wrong with saying "Need funds for the erection of national monuments" or other like sentences, but all in all, considering the (unfortunately) very strategic placement of the "X" across the man's lower half, it makes for suggestive good laughs. Further more, the sign stops at telling what's supposedly happening, but does not say "No Entry", making it even more hilarious.

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